FastAPI+React全栈开发07 MongoDB数据库的结构

news/2024/5/2 6:14:05

Chapter02 Setting Up the Document Store with MongoDB

02 The structure of a MongoDB database

FastAPI+React全栈开发07 MongoDB数据库的结构

MongoDB is arguably the most used NoSQL database today, its power, ease of use, and versatility make it an excellent choice for large and small projects; its scalability and performance enable use to be certain that at least the data layer of our app has a very solid foundation.


In the following sections, we will take a deeper dive into the basic units of MongoDB: the document, the coolection, and the database. Since this book is taking a bottom-up approach, we would like to start from the very bottom and present and overview of the simplest data structures available in MongoDB and then take it up from there into documents, collections, and so on.



We have repreated numberous times that MongoDB is a document-oriented database, so let’s take a look at what that actually means. If you are familiar with relational database tables(with columns and rows), you know that one unit of information is contained in a row, and we might say that the columns describe that data.


In MongoDB, we can make a rough analogy with the relational database row, but, since we do not have to adhere to a fixed set of columns, the model is much more flexible. In fact, it is a s flexible as you want it to be, but you might not want to take things too far in that direction if you want to achieve some real functionality. This flexible document really is just an ordered set of keys and corresponding values. This structure , as we will expore later, corresponds with data structures in every programming language, in Python, we will see that this ctructure is a dictionary and lends itself perfectly to the flow of data of a web app or a desktop application.


The fules for creating documents are pretty simple: the key must be a string, a UTF-8 charactrer with a few exceptions, and the document annot contain multiple keys. We also have to keep in mind that MongoDB is case sensitive. Let’s take a look at the following relatively simple valid MongoDB document, similar to the ones that we will be using throughout the chapter.


{"_id": {"$oid": "62231e0a286b06fd01be579e"},"brand": "Hyundai","make": "ix35","year": 2012,"price": 9000,"km": 143500

Apart from the first field, denoted by _id, which is the unique ID of the document, all of the other fields correspond to simple JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) fields, brand and make are strings (Hyundai, i35), whereas year, price and km (denoting the year of production, the price of the vehicle in euros, and the numbers of kilometers on the meter) are numbers (integers, to be precise).

除了第一个字段,用’ _id '表示,它是文档的唯一ID,其他所有字段都对应于简单的JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)字段,brand品牌和make制造是字符串(Hyundai, i35),而year年、price价格和km公里(表示生产年份、车辆的欧元价格和里程表上的公里数)是数字(准确地说,是整数)。

So, what data types can we use in our documents? One of the first important decisions when designing any type of application is the choice of data types, we really do not want to use the wrong tools for the job at hand. Let’s look at the most important data types in the following sections.



Strings are probably the most basic and universal data type in MongoDB, and they are used to represent all text fields in a document. Bear in mind that text fields do not have to represent only strictly textual values, in our case, in the application that we will be building, most text fields will, infact, denote a categorical variable, such as the brand of the car or the fact that the car has a manual or automatic transmission. This fact will come in handy if you are designing a data science applicatoin that has categorical or ordinal variables. As in JSON, text fields are wrapped in quotes. JSON files follow a dictionary-like structure with a sring, numbers, arrays, and Booleans of key-value pairs. An example of a string vaiable called name encoded in JSON would be the following:


"name": "Marko"

Text fields can be indexed in order to speeed up searching and they are searchable with standard regular expressions, which makes them a powerful tool able to process even massive amounts of text.



MongoDB supports different types of numbers:

  • int: 32-bit signed integers
  • decimal: 128-bit floating point
  • long: 64-bit unsigned integer
  • double: 64-bit floating point


  • int: 32位带符号整数
  • decimal: 128位浮点数
  • long: 64位无符号整数
  • double: 64位浮点数

Every MongoDB driver takes care of transforming data types according to the programming language that is used to interface, so we shouldn’t worry about conversions except in particular cases that will not be covered here.



This is the standard Boolean true or false value; they are written without quotes since we do not want them to be interpreted as strings.


Objects or embedded documents

This is where the magic happens. Object fields in MongoDB represent neseted or embedded documents and their values are other valid JSON documents. These embedded documents can have other embedded documents inside, and this seemingly simple capability allows for complex data modeling. An example would be if we wanted to embed the salesman responsible for a particular car, added in bold in the following example.


{"_id": {"$oid": "62231e0a286b06fd01be579e"},"brand": "Hyundai","make": "ix35","year": 2012,"price": 9000,"km": 143500,"salesman": {"name": "Marko","_id": {"$oid": "62231e0a286b87fd01be579e"},"active": true}


Arrays can contain zero or more values in a list-like structure. The elements of the array can be any MongoDB data type including other documents. They are zero-based and particularly suited for making embedded relationships, we could, for instance, store all of the post comments inside the blog post document itself, along with a timestamp and the user that made the comment. In our example, a document representing a car could contain a list of salesmen responsible for that vehicle, a list of customer requests for additional information regarding the car, and so on. Arrays can benefit from the standard JavaScript array methods for fast editing, pushing, and others.



Every document in MongoDB has a unique 12-byte ID that is used to identify it, even across different machines, and serves as a primary key. This field is autogenerated by MongoDB every time we insert a new document, but it can also be provided manually, something that we will not do. These ObjectIds are extensively used as keys for traditional relationships, for instance, every salesperson in our application could have a list of ObjectIds, each corresponding to a car that the person is trying to sell. ObjectIds are automatically indexed.



Though JSON does not support date types and stores them as plain strings, MongoDB’s BSON format supports date types explicitly. They represent the 64-bit number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970). All dates are stored in UTC and have no time zone associated.


Binary data

Binary data fields can store arbitrary binary data and are the only way to save non-UTF-8 strings to a database. These fields can be used in conjunction with MongoDB’s GridFS filesystem to store images, for example. Although, there are better and more cost-effective solutions for that, as we will see.

二进制数据字段可以存储任意二进制数据,并且是将非utf -8字符串保存到数据库的唯一方法。例如,这些字段可以与MongoDB的GridFS文件系统一起使用来存储图像。不过,正如我们将看到的,有更好、更经济的解决方案。

Other data types worth mentioning are null, which can represent a null value or a nonexistent field, and we can store even JavaScript functions.


When it comes to nesting documents within documents, MongoDB supports 100 levels of nesting, which is a limit you really shouldn’t be testing in your designs, at least in the beginning.


Documents in MongoDB are the basic unit of data and as such, they should be modeled carefully when trying to use the database-specific nature to our advantage. Documents should be as self-contained as possible and MongoDB, in fact, encourages a good amount of data denormalization. As MongoDB was built with the purpose of providing developers with a flexible data structure that should be able to fit the processes of data flow in a web application as easily as possible, you should think in terms of objects and not tables, rows, and columns.


If a certain page needs to perform several different queries in order to get all the data needed for the page and then perform some combine operation, your application is bound to slow down. On the other hand, if your page greedily returns a bunch of data in a single query and the code then needs to go over this result set in order to filter the data that is actually needed, memory consumption will likely rise, and this can lead to a potential problem and slow operations. So, like almost everywhere, there is a sweet spot, a locally optimal solution, if you will.


In this book, we will be using a simple example with automobiles for sale and the documents representing the unit (a car, really) are going to be rather straightforward.


We can think of a scenario where users can post comments or reviews on these cars and the SQL-ish way to do it would be to create a many to many relationship; a car can have multiple user comments and a user can leave comments or ratings on multiple cars. To retrieve all of the comments for a particular car, we would then have to perform a join by using that car’s primary key, entering the relationship table, and finding all of the comment IDs. Finally, we would use these comment IDs to filter the comments from the table that stores all of the comments, find their IDs, authors, the actual comments, ratings, and so on.


In MongoDB, we can simply store the comments in an array of BSON objects embedded in the car document. As the user clicks on a particular car page, MongoDB performs one single find query and fetches the car data and all of the associated comments, ready to be displayed. Of course, if we want to make a user profile page and display all of the data and the comments and reviews made by the user, we wouldn’t want to have to scan through all of the cars in the database and check if there are commens. In this case, it would probably be wise to have a separate collection that would store only users, their profiles, and the comments (storage is cheap!). Data modeling is the process of defining how our data will be stored and what relationships and types of relationships should exist between different documents in our data.


Now that we have an idea of what type of fields are available in MongoDB and how we might want to map our business logic to a (flexible) shema, it is time to introduce collections, groups of documents and a counterpart to a table in the SQL world.


Collections and databases

With the notion of the schema flexibility already repeated several times, you might be asking yourself if multiple collections are even necessary? Indeed, if we can store any kind of heterogeneous documents in a single collection (and MongoDB says we can), why bother with separate collections? There are sveral reasons as follows.


Different kinds (structures) of documents in a single collection make development very difficult. We could add fields denoting different kinds of documents, but this just brings overhead and performance issues. Besides, every application, whether web-based or not, needs to have some structure.


It is much faster (by orders of magnitude) than querying for the document type.


Data locality: Grouping documents of the same type in a collection will require less disk seek time, and considering that indexing is defined by collection, the quering is much more efficient.


Although a single instance of MongoDB can host several databases at once, it is considered good practice to keep all of the document collections used in an application inside a single database. Whwen we install MongoDB, there will be three databases created and their names cannot be used for our application database: admin, local, and config. They are built-in databases that shouldn’t be replaced, so avoid accidentally naming your database the same way.


After reviewing the basic fields, units, and structures that we are able to use in MongoDB, it is time to learn how to set up a MongoDB database server on our computer and how to create an online account on The local setup is excellent for quick prototyping that doesn’t even require an internet connection(though in 2022 that shouldn’t be a problem) and the online database-as-a-service Atlas provides several benefits.


First, it is easy to set up, and, as we will see, you can get up and running literally in minutes with a generous free tier database ready for work. Atlas takes away much of the manual setup and guarantees availability. Other benefits include the involvement of the MongoDB team (which tries to implement best practices), high security by default with access control, firewalls and granular access control, automated backups (depending on the tier), and the possibility to be productive right away.






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